
How many times a day do you get distracted with the trivial problems of your company? Your clients want to feel special and when we live in a virtual business world, it’s too easy to forget that personal connection with your clients.



An article on Women Entrepreneur, shares 3 great ways to keep your clients “top of mind” every day:


1.       Create service options. Packages are a great way to control pricing, time and the value given to your clients. It also helps you to serve your clients without feeling overwhelmed.


2.       Set aside a day of service. This is not as formal as it sounds. Every business owner could use focused days. This could be the day you save up your energy for: client meetings, off-site surprise visits to a client’s business, extra research that would wow a client, etc.   


3.       Remember that it is not just about you. Sometimes we’re handed the task of championing a cause through the organization. We have to remember that it is about the people whom we serve in business.


In conclusion, your business is about service first–everything else comes after and if you put your clients first, that extra stuff will ultimately fall into place.

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